Monday, June 8, 2009


when u wantu say something. Just say it. Dont beat around the bushes.

dont act like a moron please. we are civilized people. When i mean we , i meant u too.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Victoria's secret Maxi dress. Summer 2009 wear

A summer dress with a bustier motive. A lingerie lacing the top of a summer dress.
Yoga pants from

casual wear suitable for beach strolling and important events.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


browsing through websites looking for one-shoulder hot summer dresses but cant seem to find rhe perfect one

They;re either too expensive, not nice or something which is not summer-ry. Summer-ry i like my new word.

stupid blogger. Take dunno how long to upload photos.

This is why i dont blog so often. Lagging service and my photos take 15411234684349469476467 minutes to upload.

i was not born with so much patience.
new msn add